
C P Fire Consultants

Unit 9, The Enterprise Centre
Nursteed Road Industrial Estate
SN10 3EW
United Kingdom

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CP Fire Consultants Ltd undertakes All types of premises from multi-tenanted office blocks, schools, factories, hotels all of which will have to comply with the New Fire Safety Reform.

Our Services:

  • Fire Risk Assessments and Audits

  • Staff Fire & Evacuation Training

  • Monitored Evacuation Drills

  • Fire Safety Signs Surveys

The new legislation is being policed and enforced by the local fire authorities, who carry out planned prioritised routine inspections. Failure to comply or provide an adequate assessment can result in an enforcement or prohibition notice being issued or even criminal prosecution.

Once your initial fire risk assessment has been carried out, a date should be set for a review of the assessment, it is recommended that this be annually. This will ensure that you are demonstrating a pro-active fire and safety management approach, in anticipation of your next audit by the fire authority or insurance company.


For more information please contact us.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: GB794 1983 77
Founded:1 January, 2004 (20 years and 5 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Service Providers


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