
Mobile Technik Ltd

NN14 3DG
United Kingdom

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MobileTechnik, based in Northamptonshire, is a leading supplier of roadshow trailers, catering units, sampling trailers, the pop up bars and restaurants that have become wildly popular in recent years, and retail pods. All of our products are customised to be specific to your needs, matching the customer brief, while standing out from a crowd of also-rans in the trailer park. We keep functionality and design at the top of our minds when we produce our trailers and other units – neither imperative is ever allowed to eclipse the other. And we have a sound foundation, after years of experience, in designing, engineering, manufacturing and operating mobile units. MobileTechnik's clients include some of the UK's top experiential agencies working to advance cool and creative brands, as well as mobile bars and catering stands, retailers, and other entrepreneurs. We know what will work for your needs, how to produce it while saving you expense, and how to make you stand out.

Airstream mobile food & beverage

We are the sole UK importer of the latest ROKA converted Airstream food and beverage mobile trailer. These German-made "Gastromobile System" dining trailers offer a stylish, customisable and retro-cool trailer for selling food and beverages in any urban or semi-rural situation. These trailers are made with advanced and expert craftsmanship, with premium presentation, and are branded with one of the world's leading and iconic brands. We sell the Airstream in 534 single axle or 684 twin axle models and offer a bespoke interior design service. MobileTechnik is also pleased to offer an Airstream rental service.

SteelRunner trailer

Our SteelRunner trailer is our newest entry in our trailer fleet – with polished stainless steel and a modern-era industrial design. The trailer has 2.6 metres of headroom on a lightweight chassis with a good payload capacity of a maximum 3,000kg. The trailer size measures at 4.5 metres in length, nearly 3 metres in height, and between 2.3 metres and 3.6 metres in width, when closed or open. The SteelRunner comes as either a wheel-mounted mobile trailer on a twin axle or as a static kiosk. And we supply the SteelRunner in either a standard arrangement or a bespoke interior.

MT Byte trailer

The MT Byte is an extremely compact trailer suitable for tactical and guerrilla operations in tight urban settings. The MT Byte can be towed by a car as small as a Mini or a Fiat 500 (or others) and it can be pushed by hand to access very tight spots in high footfall areas. The MT Byte lets you get right in front of your customers. And this trailer comes with a large chilled front section and hand washing facilities. We offer the MT Byte for hire at just £88 a day with a range of cooking and serving appliances.

Roadrunner trailer

Our retro-style Roadrunner trailer has been one of our best sellers in recent years. We supply the Roadrunner in 3.5 metre or 4.5 metre lengths, with attractive and resilient bodywork designed for a vintage aesthetic. The Roadrunner is easy to handle and can cope with a gross weight of 1,600kg to 2,500kg. And this trailer comes with flexible service hatch configurations, depending on your needs; one side, or even all four sides. We offer the Roadrunner with standard or bespoke interiors – the Roadrunner can be styled to look exactly as you need it to look.


We offer stationary bar stalls that can be customised to offer up to 360 degrees of service to customers – so that you will never miss an opportunity to serve thirsty people – with bar lengths of 3 metres to 13 metres available. MobileTechnik bars are the ideal solution for festivals, parks, outdoor concerts, fairs, and other public outdoor events with high footfall scenarios. Our bars can be built to whatever branding and styling needs you may have; and they come fully equipped with the facilities needed to service hundreds or thousands of customers over the day.

Cups & Cans

A giant coffee cup or soft drink can on the road or in the park – what better way to advertise that hot or cold drinks are for sale? MobileTechnik offers these oversized replica coffee cups and cans to make your message and your products jump out at customers. These stands are ideal for hot and cold drink vending as well as experiential campaigns, including juices, smoothies, milkshakes, and soups. Our cans range is available in both vertical and horizontal configurations. And these stands come with attachable standing tables for your customers' comfort. Standard or bespoke interiors are available as with all of our products.

Catering kiosks

Our kiosks are like our trailers – excellent for serving high volumes of passersby – but without wheels or tow bars. They are commonly used in semi-permanent settings or where low service – i.e. closer to the street – heights are needed. If your vending service needs to move only infrequently, the kiosk option is more cost effective than a trailer, easier to maintain, has cleaner design lines, and allows for a more customer-friendly service height. And we have covered in our service the various solutions for "de-mounting" and installing our kiosks, whether these are transport trucks, manual or powered self-loading systems, forklifts, or other solutions.

Event trailers

MobileTechnik's event trailers are an efficient and versatile way of taking your brand on the road. These are large boxes on wheels, legal for transport on roads, and can be transformed into customised spaces for your brand three or four times the size of the original box – and in just a few minutes. We offer event trailers for their convenience, efficiency, and fully customisable event or brand space. We also offer smaller event kiosks for semi-permanent installations – like our catering kiosks, but built to offer an indoor brand space, and with less cost than an event trailer. Both our event trailers and kiosks are proven in attracting customers’ attention in busy footfall areas.



Registration Number: 04885160
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:2 September, 2003 (20 years and 9 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Parent Company: The Mobile Promotions Co Ltd
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Distributor
  • Stockholder
  • Service Providers

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